Arizona Latino Community Leaders and Voters Share Why They Plan to be “First Week Voters”
As Biden for President kicked off its “First Week Voter” campaign this week in Arizona, today Congressman Ruben Gallego, former State Senator Amanda Aguirre, and Arizona voters highlighted why Arizona’s Latino community should be ready to cast their ballots as soon as early voting begins next Wednesday, October 7. Arizonans can make their plan to vote by going to or
“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the only ones who have the plans we need to protect our lives and livelihoods, and their path to victory in Arizona runs straight through the Latino community. We need to make sure that all of our friends and family are ready to be ‘First Week Voters’ so that as soon as ballots drop and polls open next week, we can do our part to send Joe and Kamala to the White House,” said Congressman Gallego.
“It’s unconscionable that Donald Trump is trying to rip away health care coverage in the middle of a pandemic — especially when our Latino community has been so disproportionately affected. If Latino voters are ‘First Week Voters,’ there’s no stopping Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from winning this election and restoring the soul of our nation,” said Former State Senator Amanda Aguirre, and Border Health Community Leader.
“People like me who live with a preexisting condition, who need access to reliable and affordable health care coverage, we need to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris because they are going to have our backs. It’s so important to me that we get everyone in our communities to be ‘First Week Voters’ and have them cast their ballots soon as they can, because there are lives hanging in the balance,” said Lydia Avila.
“As Americans we have such a special privilege: to participate in this democracy and express our values and differences with our vote. And as Arizonans, we have the privilege of doing it early. My family, my friends and I are all going to be ‘First Week Voters’ because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the ones who can deliver the future we need for the country we love,” said Oscar De las Salas.
The deadline to register to vote in Arizona is October 5, and the last day to request a mail-in ballot is October 23. Early voting begins in the state October 7. Make a safe and secure plan to be a First Week Voter by visiting or