Arizona Latinas Honor Their Comadres to Kick Off Hispanic Heritage Month
Celebrating stories of family and community, Arizona Latina leaders kicked off Hispanic Heritage Month with the “Comadres con Biden” virtual event.
In a fun, free-flowing conversation, Coconino County Treasurer Sarah Benatar, State Rep. Raquel Terán, community leader Carmen Heredia, and LUCHA’s Alejandra Gomez discussed the comadres who inspire their activism and highlighted Joe Biden’s Latino agenda to support and uplift Arizona communities. They also encouraged those on the call to join the fight and make sure they do everything they can to support Joe Biden this fall.
“Our ancestors fought so much for their families and for their communities, and we have to continue to do the same,” said Sarah Benatar. “I think about my family and everything that they came to this country to escape, and what they want for their kids and grandkids. And we can achieve that dream under Biden. He will help bring us there. We will see more prosperity. We’ll have a voice at the table.”
“All of us have been building this Arizona, this Arizona that’s now a battleground state for our families, for higher expectations for our families, for our immigrant families to have the ability to be free, to come out of the shadows, for children to have the best education possible.”
“All of us have been building this Arizona, this Arizona that’s now a battleground state for our families, for higher expectations for our families, for our immigrant families to have the ability to be free, to come out of the shadows, for children to have the best education possible. We’ve been building this Arizona in a high expectation that everybody has access to healthcare,” said Raquel Terán. “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are those people that are going to help us get to those places.”
“[My kids] were asking me about the election, they were asking me about the president, and trying to figure out what it all means to them. And I said ‘let’s not even talk about people or politics — let’s talk about values. What do we think about people that are different from us? What do we think about people in need?’ And more and more, if you really view it from a values perspective, that’s what it’s all about,” said Carmen Heredia. “The Joe Biden campaign is by far, so obviously the way to go with the values perspective of being inclusive, of being empathetic, of [having] the civil rights of people respected.”
“We’re at an inflection point in our country, and this is the election of most consequence. And if we’re going to fight for a truly inclusive democracy, to have a future at that fight, we have to double down now. That means that we have to continue to carry the torch that those giants before us paved the path for,” said Alejandra Gomez. “I’m really excited to continue doing that work, with so many young leaders that are on the ground that are the future, and that are already carrying the mantle and creating history now. That’s really what to me this moment means.”
The deadline to register to vote in Arizona is October 5, and the last day to request a mail-in ballot is October 23. Early voting begins in the state October 7. Make a safe and secure plan to vote by visiting or To get involved, text todos to 30330.